DWM Teens

Our Teens’ Ministry incorporates all students from the age of 13 up to 19 years. This is one of the foundational stages where their character is developed and our key focus is to ensure we grow in the Word of God, create a relationship with God as we nurture our God-given calls, gifts and talents. We uphold purity and righteousness as key to this ministry. Using the Word of God and bible-based programs as our main tools, we endeavour to raise Christ-like disciples who will have an impact on their generation.


Raising disciples with the mind of Christ and a desire to serve and live for Him alone


Our mission is to train, equip and guide youthful believers with the word of God and help them discover God in the best way according to 2 Timothy 3:16 -17 that all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.


1. To ensure there is effective growth in salvation by teaching sound doctrine

2. To create an interactive environment where issues can be addressed

3. To enhance unity through bible-based programs

4. To identify our God’s intended purpose by discovering God-given calls, gifts and talents.