
Our vision is to nurture God-fearing men who faithfully stand guard over God’s ideals for the church, society, women and children.

1 Kings 3:1-3 Be strong and prove yourself a man by keeping His Statutes, Commandments, Judgement and Testimonies.


Our mission is to make a difference in our lives, families, church and society by being responsible men who are committed to the D’vine Men’s resolution in accordance with God’s Word.

Joshua 24:15 As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

The Ministry is also constituted of a committee that runs the day to day affairs of men; with an active office with a Chairman his assistant and six departmental heads who run different affairs as listed below.

1. Discipleship Coordinator

2. Prayer Coordinator

3. Projects Coordinator

4. Missions Coordinator

5. Events Coordinator

6. Manhood Champion


As David was about to die (1Kings 2:1-3), he charged his son Solomon to be strong, to prove himself a man and to keep the commandments of the Lord. It was evident that Solomon was blessed to have a godly father who was referred to as a man after God’s own heart because of his devotion to God and also a father who gave him counsel on how to be a man (Proverbs 4:3-9). Today, many men in our society are not so blessed to have such a father due to physical absence (either out of death or divorce) or due to lack of understanding (which results in poor spiritual/ moral mentorship on how to be a man); It is out of this understanding that Christian men in D’Vine Worship Ministries came together and purposed to make a difference in their lives, families, church, society and mentor others by being responsible men through a commitment to abide by the statutes captured in this resolution in accordance with the Word of God.